What is new on the membership front?
A renewed invitation was sent to other identified workforce boards that have not yet joined MUS. I shared the amazing inaugural edition of the newsletter! Remember, a word from an existing member goes a long way with boards unfamiliar with us. In fact, one Illinois board scheduled an appointment with us because they saw George Wright was a member! Thank you, George!
Our efforts are focused on regular members, with some affiliate member candidates presenting themselves organically through other connections. We have not yet shifted our focus to affiliates, but if you would like to consider a non-workforce board, a workforce outside DOL Region 5, or a rural workforce, please send an introductory email to Kellie, and we will provide them with all the information they need.
Hot Topics!
This monthly session is for Members Only (and invited guests)! In January, we examined issues related to immigration. We will continue that conversation on February 28th at 11:00 am CST. Please email Kellie with ideas for future Hot Topics! These sessions are for you, so tell us what you want to discuss.
Learning Labs
Another fabulous benefit of MUS is shared learning. We love highlighting our own members! If you have an amazing story to tell, an initiative to share, or a dynamic partner connection that you would like us to know about, please contact Kellie. Let us work together to build a shared learning experience for us all.
Convening in June!
We are gearing up for another convening! This time in Milwaukee!! Dave the date: June 3-5th, 2025! You know where to find me, see you on the bus!
That is, it for now. Please reach out to Kellie with any membership questions and needs.
Kellie Landaker